Friday, February 16, 2018

Masharib, discussions

(a record of player interactions with the guide Masharib)

     "The jungle is my home.  I know it well.  I can guide you anywhere in Chult for a fee of 5 gold pieces a day.
     "If adventure is what you seek, join my quest to reclaim Hrakhamar, my clan's ancestral forge.  A volcanic eruption forced us to abandon it many years ago.  The firenewts that have since taken over must be driven out or destroyed.  At the very least, we must sneak in and recover a relic known as Moradin's Gauntlet.  The fiewnewts must not be allowed to keep it!
     "If you love dwarvenkind, then hear my plea and join me in returning Hrakhamar to its rightful owners.  I will waive my fee for your promise of assistance.

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