Friday, February 16, 2018

Port Nyanzaru

Port Nyanzaru Locations:
(Old City)
1. Beggars' Palaces: Ancient Ziggurats turned into shanty towns
2. Executioner's Run: Used for punishing criminals, if you can survive the run, you're considered innocent
3. Refuse Pit: The city garbage dump

(Merchant's Ward)
4. Goldenthrone: City's center of government and meeting place for the merchant princes
5. Merchant Prince's Villa: Beautiful upscale residences
6. Grand Souk: the main market bazaar
7. Temple of Savras: Diety of Wizards, fortune tellers, diviners and truth speakers
8. Temple of Gond: Diety of artisans, craftsmen, and engineers
9. Temple of Sune: Diety of love and beauty
10. Jewel Market: Rare luxury items and jewels mined from within Chult

(Harbor Ward)
11. Royal Docks: reserved for the exclusive use of the merchant princes and visiting dignitaries
12. Statue: A representation of the Chultan Great King Na N'buso
13. Harbormaster's Office: Run by Zindar, the half-gold dragon.
14. Lighthouse: Flames burn here night and day to guide ships
15. Fort Nyanzaru: Military fortress to protect the city harbor
16. Warehouse District: Where goods of all types are shipped in, out and stored
17. Dry Dock: Serviceable place to repair minor ship damage

(Market Ward)
18. Red Bazaar: Market for daily needs, meats and foods.
Inns: the Thundering Lizard and Kaya's House of Repose are located near here
19. Fish Market: Daily fish sales.  Prices are higher in the morning, and the fish fresher
20. Grand Coliseum: Site of Gladiatorial games, and events
21. Hall of Gold: Temple to Waukeen, deity of trade and wealth
22. Public Bathhouse: Chultans of all social standings are a clean people, they bath and gather here regularly
23. Dye Works: Colorful options for creating vibrant colors for chultean clothing

(Malar's Throat)
24. Temple of Tymora: Diety of luck

(Tiryki Anchorage)
25. Dinosaur Pens: Where beasts of burden are trained

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