Player Information

This campaign is being hosted on Fantasy Grounds. You don't need to purchase a license for it, but you do need to have the latest client version.

Download Fantasy Grounds here.

We are using the Adventurers League guidelines, so all characters must be compliant.  This allows you to take your characters to other 'face to face' games, earn XP and rewards, and keep your character up to date.

Game sessions will use Skype for voice (required) and video (optional).

Game sessions will take place weekly Saturday Mornings from 7AM to 11AM central time.

Fantasy Grounds will be online the night before and 2 hours after, for players to work on their character sheets and socialize.

For beginning players, I will run a one and one Fantasy Grounds tutorial and work on building your character sheet to fully implement all abilities and powers into the game.  In addition I will run you through a short combat, that you WILL GET experience for.

Once your character is setup within Fantasy Grounds, it makes playing a lot easier, and fast!  With the click of a few buttons, your dice are rolled, hits are determined, damage and effects are allocated, and even saving throws are made.

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