Friday, October 26, 2018

The People of Tyronia

Tyronian People

There are two races that form the dominant populations in the Realm of Tyronia.  Men and Aes Sidhe. While wars have been told of in the past, there is a tenuous peace between the two peoples today. However, trust is still rare.

The primary cause for mistrust is the inherent magic that the Aes Sidhe possess. Men wish to possess magic. The Aes Sidhe 'are' magic.


  • Vikauran - Darkskinned nomadic metalurgical masters. Their culture is steeped in myths and runic divination.
    Hardy; Pace 5; Immunity to Poison
  • Laco - Tall proud people of the plains and masters of riding, and hunting. They keep the balance between man and nature.
    +1 Size; Keen Sense of Smell +2
  • Fauren - Near fae, these humans are the most at home with the Aes Sidhe, trading, working, and living with them. Their culture is filled with the same mirth and merriment that can often be found with the Aes Sidhe.
    Agility D6; Low Light Vision
  • Jungar - Tribal people, at one with the deep wilderness of the swamps, forests and jungles.
    +1 Toughness; Plant Walk
  • Valemen - Most common and versatile people found throughout the realm
    (standard human race)

Aes Sidhe

  • Fuath - Malevolent water spirits, inhabiting the sea, rivers, fresh water, or sea lochs. Their appearance ranges from covered in shaggy, yellow fur to only having a mane down their back, webbed toes, tails with spikes, and no nose. They are prone to wearing green.
    Dehydration; +1 Toughness; +1 Armor
  • Far Darrig - Mischievous and vagarious. They are usually rather fat, have dark, hairy skin, long snouts and skinny tails. Prone to wearing red clothing and caps.
    -2 Charisma; Burrow; Agility D8; -1 Size
  • Leprachaun - A little people who partake in mischief. Said to grant wishes if captured.
    +10 Power Points; Invisibility (as power); Teleport (as power); -2 Strength; -2 Toughness; Size - Small fairy
  • Dullahan - Headless riders, who carry their severed head with them, and adorn their armor and weapons with bones. Associated with the bringers of death, and when they call out a person's name, the person immediately perishes.
    +1 Toughness; -2 Charisma; Hardy
  • Puca - Bringers of luck both good and bad. May take animal or human form, which may also include various animal features.
    Shapechange (power), +10 Power Points, Grant Good/Bad Luck*
  • Fir Bolg - Giant faerie-kind, strong and dependable, known for their weak vision.
    +2 Size; -1 Parry; Strength D8; +2 Toughness; Bad Eyes (major)

Monday, February 19, 2018

Shago, discussions

"Ask any member of the Flaming Fist: I'm the best there is!  Pay no heed to the guides in Port Nyanzaru.  They're soft and weak.  I'll get you to wherever you need to go.  Firefinger, Kir Sabal, the Peaks of Flame - it doesn't matter.  Chult is full of wonders, and Shago knows the way!  I'm not afraid of dinosaurs, bugs or hard work.  I can paddle a canoe, start a fire, forage, whatever you need.  The jungle if overrun with ghouls and zombies, but I have a strong arm and the heart of a tyrannosaurus.  Together, we will conquer this land!
"Five gold pieces a day and a 30-day advance.  For that you get the best guide.  For that, you get the mighty Shago!

ToA (part 2) - Jouney Into the Jungle

We're in Chult, now what do we do?

After attracting the attention of a few citizens of Port Nyanzaru, our heroes found themselves presented with two tasks.  The first to provide a map of the Jungle Interior, in particular detailing the locations of Nangalore and Dungrunglung.  If they succeed in this, they will receive a Trading Ship in return!  The second, to provide a character witness for a a local dye merchant who mistakingly dealt with the Black Market.  The heroes negotiated a supply of 'Jungle-Dyed' clothing in return.

The Heroes (Loucious the Drow Wizard, Ratt the Halfling Rogue and Tlan the Woodelf Paladin) met with the merchant prince, Kwayothé, to plead forgiveness for their new friend Omalu the Dye Master.  In return for granting forgiveness, Kwayothé asked the heroes to complete a task for her, to kill Shago (no questions asked) within 10 days.

Faced with two quests, one rather questionable, they decided to first learn a bit more about Shago, so they traveled to where he could be found, in Fort Beluarian.  While determining where Shago was, Loucious mistakingly spoke out loud his plan of luring Shago into the Jungle to murder him, where their current guide Musharib could hear.  With a questionable glare, Musharib, asked Loucious to please explain.  Not very happy with Loucious' explanation, Musharib, blended in with the crowds at the fort, as wasn't seen again.

The Heroes presence in the fort earned the notice of the fort commander, who invited them to join the Flaming Fist.  Not ready to do so, they instead decided to set out into the jungle to destroy wandering ghouls and deliver their heads to the Flaming Fist, for 20 gold pieces for each.  Being without a guide now, and at the end of their funds, this seemed like a wise choice.

Welcome to the Jungle!

Our heroes set off into the thick jungles just south of Fort Beluarian, in search of undead ghouls.  After a few days of travel, and no ghouls, they decided to head back to the Fort and try to get back to Port Nyanzaru, to save their friend Omalu before the Kwayothé 10 day time limit was up.  However, Tlan, acting as a guide, got them well and lost.

After discovering a few days later that they had traveled further south form the Fort, it was decided they should continue on foot back to the Port.  They still hadn't encountered any real dangers, other than the thick jungle, and didn't' think much about siting some type of winged creatures that started following them in the distance on the 5th day.

They managed to make their way through the jungle all the way to within site of Port Nyanzaru, but then realized they would need to travel further south to find a place to cross the River Tiryki.

That's when the bad things happened.

As they setup camp on the 10th night out, they discovered their camp site was the home of ASSASSIN VINES!  Within seconds, they had all been overcome by the vines, and passed out due to the poisonous thorns.

As they slowly regained consciousness however, they had fleeting experiences of tugging sensations, falling feelings and finally extreme head aches.  They awoke to the screeching sounds of velociraptors and some type of winged lizard-like humanoids apparently fighting over them.  The heroes themselves found they had been tied up and hung upside down, while an apparent fire had been setup to roast them.  The velociraptors and winged creatures continued to fight which took them into the jungle surrounding the cook fires, giving the heroes a chance to break free, which they quickly took advantage of.

Once free however, they were unable to find any of their belongings and were also stripped of all clothing.  Hearing one of their captors returning, they hid in the bushes, in an attempt to ambush it.  Loucious, though, was very bad at hiding and ruined their chance for surprise.  The winged creature let out a screech of alarm, and the heroes quickly attacked him with their bare hands.  They grappled and beat the poor creature down, however before succumbing to the heroes blows, the creature tore poor Loucious apart, killing him.

Tlan and Ratt took off into the jungle wielding only a single javelin they had taken from the creature, and leaving their companion behind.

You're Buck-naked in the Jungle!

Survival became the biggest challenge, and without knowing exactly where they were, it took a few days for Tlan to determine that they were now 60 miles south of Fort Beluarian, and in undead territory.  They encountered a lone skeleton, and quickly dispatched it.  Grabbing a leg bone from the skeleton, Ratt now had a make shift club to provide a bit more of a threat should they meet anything else.

Drinking the water proved to be as bad as they had feared, and the both began to feel exhausted as Throat Leeches infected them.  Realizing that there were in no shape to fight anything, they moved more slowly and more carefully.  When they encountered a small herd of Axe-Beaks, they hid and luckily avoided being seen by the running giant and deadly birds.

Their condition worsened, but eventually they did indeed 21 days after they had entered the jungle, emerged naked, sick and exhausted at the gate to Fort Beluarian.  Shago, himself, helped to carry them into the fort, and provide a place for them to rest and recuperate from their ordeal.

Deciding that they had made so many mistakes, Ratt, informed Shago, of Kwayothé's desire to have him killed.  Surprised only a little Shago, laughed off the threat, but offered to be their guide and perhaps together discover why Kwayothé wanted him dead.

A New Guide

Our two heroes are still resting at Fort Beluarian, but now under the protection and watchful eye of their new friend, Shago.  With more help, Tlan hopes to return to the jungle and locate his special items that are apparently lost in the jungle somewhere east of the River Tiryki, near Port Nyanzaru.

We'll have to see if their next journey into the jungle fairs better.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Port Nyanzaru

Port Nyanzaru Locations:
(Old City)
1. Beggars' Palaces: Ancient Ziggurats turned into shanty towns
2. Executioner's Run: Used for punishing criminals, if you can survive the run, you're considered innocent
3. Refuse Pit: The city garbage dump

(Merchant's Ward)
4. Goldenthrone: City's center of government and meeting place for the merchant princes
5. Merchant Prince's Villa: Beautiful upscale residences
6. Grand Souk: the main market bazaar
7. Temple of Savras: Diety of Wizards, fortune tellers, diviners and truth speakers
8. Temple of Gond: Diety of artisans, craftsmen, and engineers
9. Temple of Sune: Diety of love and beauty
10. Jewel Market: Rare luxury items and jewels mined from within Chult

(Harbor Ward)
11. Royal Docks: reserved for the exclusive use of the merchant princes and visiting dignitaries
12. Statue: A representation of the Chultan Great King Na N'buso
13. Harbormaster's Office: Run by Zindar, the half-gold dragon.
14. Lighthouse: Flames burn here night and day to guide ships
15. Fort Nyanzaru: Military fortress to protect the city harbor
16. Warehouse District: Where goods of all types are shipped in, out and stored
17. Dry Dock: Serviceable place to repair minor ship damage

(Market Ward)
18. Red Bazaar: Market for daily needs, meats and foods.
Inns: the Thundering Lizard and Kaya's House of Repose are located near here
19. Fish Market: Daily fish sales.  Prices are higher in the morning, and the fish fresher
20. Grand Coliseum: Site of Gladiatorial games, and events
21. Hall of Gold: Temple to Waukeen, deity of trade and wealth
22. Public Bathhouse: Chultans of all social standings are a clean people, they bath and gather here regularly
23. Dye Works: Colorful options for creating vibrant colors for chultean clothing

(Malar's Throat)
24. Temple of Tymora: Diety of luck

(Tiryki Anchorage)
25. Dinosaur Pens: Where beasts of burden are trained

Gods and Religions

     A central figure in Chult’s history is the greater god Ubtao, who long protected the land and Chultan civilization. But Ubtao grew angry over his worshipers’ endless warring and their reliance on him to solve all their problems. More than a century ago, Ubtao simply abandoned Chult, and his influence hasn’t been felt there since that day. When he left, the Chultans suffered a crippling spiritual blow, but eventually the disunited, warring tribes learned to put aside their petty conflicts and unite as one people. To this day, the dinosaurs of Chult are still revered as Ubtao’s sacred children by many Chultans, even though Ubtao himself is no longer popular.
     With Ubtao gone, the Chultans turned to other deities, including ones introduced to them by missionaries from distant civilizations. Waukeen, a goddess of trade, is revered by Port Nyanzaru’s many merchants. Other deities with shrines in the city include Gond (god of craft), Savras (god of divination and fate), Sune (goddess of love and beauty), and Tymora (goddess of good fortune).
Besides spreading word of their deities, however, too many foreign missionaries also exploited the Chultans and their land for profit, which led to many conflicts. The temples and shrines persist, but most of the clergy are now Chultans. Foreign clerics who proselytize too energetically aren’t welcomed in Port Nyanzaru.

Dehydration & Disease

Exploring Chult requires plenty of water to stay hydrated. The water found in rivers and on the ground is unfit for drinking unless it is boiled first. If they have a rain catcher, characters can use it to collect rain and then store the water in portable containers.

At the end of each day, any character who hasn’t drunk at least 2 gallons of fresh water must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion. The saving throw is made with disadvantage if the character is wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or heavy clothing. Characters traveling at a fast pace, instead of a normal or slow pace, take a –5 penalty on their saving throws against dehydration.

Characters traveling with beasts of burden and other animals must keep them fed and hydrated as well. Dinosaurs and other creatures native to Chult can forage for food and drink as long as they are in their native habitat.


The following diseases can affect giants and humanoids exploring the jungles of Chult.

Mad Monkey Fever

Beware the mist that creeps through the jungles of Chult. Contact with this thin, blue, odorless mist can infect you with mad monkey fever.

Shivering Sickness

Biting insects in the jungles and marshes of Chult carry the shivering sickness. The easiest protection against it is a coating of insect-repelling salve on all exposed skin.

Throat Leeches

Minuscule parasites known as throat leeches infect the water in Chult’s forests, swamps, and rivers. Anyone that swallows tainted water may become infested with throat leeches. Immediate symptoms include throat inflammation and shortness of breath. Causes fatigue and exhaustion.

Explorers can avoid contracting throat leeches by drinking only rainwater or water that’s been boiled or magically purified.

Wilderness & Travel

     For each day that the party travels through the wilderness, follow these steps:
  • Using the map, identify the hex in which the party is currently located.
    Note: The hex is unknown if the party is lost
  • Players determine what direction they want to go, and whether they plan to move at a normal pace, a fast pace, or a slow pace (see “Travel Distances” below).
  • Players choose a navigator, who then makes a Wisdom (Survival) check to determine if the party becomes lost (see “Navigation” below).
  • Check for random encounters each morning, afternoon, and evening or night..
  • At the end of the day, check to see if any party members are dehydrated (see "Dehydration & Disease" below).

Travel Distances

     On the map of Chult, each hex measures 10 miles across. Characters moving at a normal pace can travel 1 hex per day on foot through coastal, jungle, mountain, swamp, or wasteland terrain. They can travel 2 hexes per day if they’re traveling by canoe on a river or lake. The rate of travel up or down river is the same; the rivers are so sluggish that current is almost imperceptible. Without canoes, the normal rate of travel along a river is the same as through the surrounding terrain. Canoes move 1 hex per day through swamp.
     If characters move at a fast pace, roll a d4. On a roll of 3 or 4, they advance 1 additional hex that day. Characters moving at a fast pace take a –5 penalty to their passive Wisdom (Perception) scores, making them more likely to miss clues and walk into ambushes.
     If characters set a slow pace, roll a d4. On a roll of 1 or 2, they advance 1 fewer hex that day (in other words, 1 hex by canoe or none by foot). On any other result, their caution is rewarded, and they travel the same distance as a group moving at a normal pace. Characters moving at a slow pace can move stealthily. As long as they’re not in the open, they can try to surprise or sneak by other creatures they encounter.
     A character with a flying speed of 30 feet can travel 4 miles per hour.


     Have the players designate one party member as the navigator. The navigator might be an NPC, such as a guide, and the party can switch its navigator day to day.
     At the start of each new travel day, the DM makes a Wisdom (Survival) check on behalf of the navigator. The result of the check determines whether or not the party becomes lost over the course of the day. The DC of the check is based on the day’s most common terrain: DC 10 for coasts and lakes, or DC 15 for jungles, mountains, rivers, swamps, and wastelands. Apply a +5 bonus to the check if the group sets a slow pace for the day, or a –5 penalty if the group is moving at a fast pace. It’s possible to get lost on a river by following a tributary instead of the main branch.
     If the check succeeds, the navigator knows exactly where the party is on the players’ map of Chult throughout the day.
     If the check fails, the party becomes lost. Each hex on the map is surrounded by six other hexes; whenever a lost party moves 1 hex, roll a d6 to randomly determine which neighboring hex the party enters, and do not divulge the party’s location to the players. While the party is lost, players can’t pinpoint the group’s location on their map of Chult. The next time a navigator succeeds on a Wisdom (Survival) check made to navigate, the DM reveals the party’s actual location to the players.

     Note: Using the Fog of War via Fantasy Grounds, this means that as you explore the map, it will be revealed.  If you're lost, only the DM will know your location.  Once you're no longer lost, you'll know where you are on the map, but the hexes you traveled through will not be revealed.

The People of Tyronia

Tyronian People There are two races that form the dominant populations in the Realm of Tyronia.  Men and Aes Sidhe. While wars have been tol...