Friday, January 26, 2018

Game 1 - Cellar of Death

The first adventure, "Cellar of Death" (DDHC-TOA-4), took place this morning, and went very well.  Even though a few very near 'party wipes' took place.

The First game's attendees were:
Chris I. (Halfling Rogue - Ratt)
John F. (Human Wizard - Loucious)
Chris L. (Halfling Rogue - Fig)
Shane J. (Dwarven Cleric - Leviticus)

With two halfling rogues leading the way, it took all we had (and then some) to actually finish the adventure!  However, we failed in accomplishing our goal.

Better luck next time, Harpers!

The People of Tyronia

Tyronian People There are two races that form the dominant populations in the Realm of Tyronia.  Men and Aes Sidhe. While wars have been tol...